Sunday, June 23, 2013

A day in the life...

Life in Malawi can be summed up in two words,  Hard Work.  Everyday we see hundreds of people walking.  Walking to the corn mill to grid corn, walking to the pump to get water, walking to the market to buy or del fruit.  Everywhere walking.  About half the people have shoes.  Many of the women carry large items on their head such as wood, bags of corn, water, or bags of rice.  Many of the women also have a baby tied to their back with a piece of cloth called a chitenje.  They also wrap the chintenje around them as a skirt or apron.  Below are some pictures I have taken while driving around.  It is hard to get pictures because people do not like to have their picture taken.

One day I saw a lady and her husband walking down the mountain.  The lady had a large bundle of wood on her head and a baby on her back.  I asked if I could try to put the wood on my head and she let me.  She placed some rolled up  leaves on her head and put the wood on top of the leaves.  I tried to do the same but was not able to put my hands down for more than a second.  The lady though it was so funny that I couldn't balance it on my head.

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