Monday, May 6, 2013

Preparing for our Trip

At the "Meet and Greet" we decided on 5 days to get together and learn about the goals and objectives and other aspects of the trip. We met on Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th to learn survival Chichewa, Malawi etiquette, and any other information.  Here is the itinerary below.  We were very busy.

April - May, 2013

Mercer University Atlanta Campus

3001 Mercer University Drive

Atlanta, GA 30341

All Workshop Sessions will be held in -ROOM BE 002 in the Education Building

Saturday, April 27                 -           Arrival at Mercer University – Atlanta Campus

8:00 – 9:00am             -           Networking Breakfast.

9:00 – 9:15 am            -           Introductions - Project Director, Dr. Vokhiwa

9:15-10:00 am            -           Welcome Remarks.

Dean Priscilla Danheiser – CCPS

Associate Dean Tompkins - Tift College of Education

10:15-11:45am           -           Team Building – Dr. Lynn Clemons

 Chair, Department of Leadership Studies - CCPS

11:45 am-1:00 pm      -           Lunch – Mercer Cafeteria.

1:00 - 2:00pm             -           Workshop: Lecture: African Studies “Malawi Today:

                                                Political, Social, and Economic Issues;

Dr. Chester Fontenot – Chair, African Studies

2:00 - 3:15pm             -           Workshop: Contemporary Malawi Culture and the

                                                Chichewa Language: Current Trends

 Dr. Thomas Zgambo - The World Bank, Washington DC.

3:30 – 4:30 pm           -           Team Building – Dr. Lynn Clemons

 Chair, Department of Leadership Studies - CCPS

4:30 pm                       -           Departure.

Sunday, April 28

9:00-10:15am             -           Workshop: Lecture and Discussion “Customs, Etiquette,                    and Cultural Differences in Malawi”

Dr. Thomas Zgambo * The World Bank, Washington DC

10:30-11:45am           -           Workshop: What Do We Know about Malawi? – Exam on

                        Internet Readings: Malawian History, Government, and

                        Geography – Kelly Jones -

11:45 am-1:00pm       -           Lunch – Mercer Cafeteria. 

1:00-2:15pm               -           Group Discussion: GPA Goals and Obligations – followed

                                                by Panel Discussion: “Culture Shock” and Environmental

Disorientation – Dr. Andre’ Butler, Professor Chester

Fontenot and two students from previous Mercer University Study Abroad Projects

2:30-3:30pm                -          Language Study: Survival Chichewa – Dr. Vokhiwa.

3:30-5:00pm               -           Workshop: Curriculum Development.

Dr. Ismail Gyagenda – Associate Professor –Teacher Education – Tift College

5:00                             -           Departure.

Saturday, May 4

8:00 am                       -           Breakfast – Mercer Cafeteria.

9:00- 11:45 am.          -           Group Discussion: First Sharing of Curriculum

                                                Development Projects, First Evaluations

 Dr. Gyagenda –Tift College

11: 45 – 1:00 pm.       -           Lunch in Mercer Cafeteria

1:00 - 2:00 pm            -           Malawi Experience – Dawaon Edwards & Scharita Green

                                                            2011 Mercer on Mission Team Malawi II

2:00 – 4:00                  -           Workshop: Lecture: African Studies “Malawi Today:

                                                Political, Social, and Economic Issues;

Dr. Chester Fontenot – Chair, African Studies

4:00                             -           Departure

Sunday, May 5

8:30am                        -           Breakfast – Mercer Cafeteria.

9:00-10:30am                         -           Lecture and Discussion: “Research Projects: Utilizing Field

Resources and Technology Opportunities in Malawi” – Insuring all participants can access and communicate on the project website for ongoing orientation and interaction. –  Kelly Jones

10:30-11:15 am          -           Sharing from THE FULBRIGHTERS

- Professor Kyra Osmus and other Fulbrighters

11:15-11:45 am          -           Survival Chichewa Language Instruction. Dr. Vokhiwa

11:45 –1:00 pm          -           Lunch in Mercer Cafeteria

1:00 – 1:30 pm           -           Malawi Experience-Jenny Goodman –

2010 Mercer on Malawi TEAM I

1:30 – 4:00 pm           -           Pre-trip Survey

Curriculum Development: Interactive. Dr. Gyagenda

Monday, May 6
            8:30am                        -           Breakfast – Mercer Cafeteria.

9:00 - 10:45 am          -           Hands-on with Technology: MercerPen workshop

Dr. Jabari Cain- Assistant Professor, Teacher Education-Tift College

            10:45 – 11:30 am                    Dr. Eric Spears – Director –Study Abroad Program

11:30 - 1 pm               -           Lunch in Mercer Cafeteria
1:00 - 2:00 pm            -           Provost

-        To be introduced by Dean Danheiser

-        Provost’s address to the workshop participants
2:00 - 3: 00 pm           -           Review of Essentials and Workshop Conclusion:

Dr. Vokhiwa and Dr. Gyagenda

3: 00 pm                      -           Participants depart for their respective destinations.

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